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Why Should I Get Insurance from a Broker?

By November 3, 2016April 4th, 2019No Comments

Why should I get my insurance from a Broker?

Most people use the term broker and agent interchangeably, but the fact is that they are differences. The main difference it that a broker can shop your policy for you within their own office so you don’t have to change the broker you know and trust, they will just buy insurance for you from a different company.

Brokers do not work for an insurance company.

They can buy from many different companies and can shop for different rates within their own office. Brokers are free to place our clients with any company that best suits their needs and, if one insurance company leaves, we just move clients to another company. The insurance company does not take that business with them.

Insuring with a Broker is a big advantage for you.

Why should you insure with a broker? I am happy to give you the reasons!

1. Your Broker works for you, not the insurance company. We are on your side when you buy or upgrade your insurance or if you have to make a claim. That also means that we can provide you with objective advice regarding your insurance policy.
2. Insurance Brokers are business people whose success rests on your satisfaction with coverage, service and price.
3. Insurance can be very complex, with its own language of terms. A knowledgeable Broker can help you at every stage of the process to interpret all of the rules and what they mean for you. This can be invaluable as your insurance needs change.

4. We are always here for you. When it comes to insurance, there is no question too basic. If there is anything you do not understand, don’t be afraid to ask. We are here to help.

Insurance Brokers are part of your neighborhood and your community.

They are small business people who are involved in activities in your community. Their children go to the same schools as yours and play on the same sports teams. Brokers shop at the same stores. When you buy your insurance through a local insurance Broker, you are investing in your own community.

We are an established, local, independent insurance broker. Why not call us for a free no obligation quote today! Pearson Insurance, (506) 432-1550.

At Pearson Insurance…you will deal with real people.

These are people who will remember you. You will have the comfort of knowing that you will be able to deal with the same broker, so they know and understand your insurance requirements and concerns. We offer choice. We have a number of insurance companies that we can compare to make sure you are getting the best policy for the best price. Our Brokers are licensed, professionally trained, and offer expertise that allows them to provide top notch customer service. We are there to protect what matters to you and your family. We can leave you with the peace of mind knowing that you are dealing with a brokerage that has been in business since 1935!
Why not come and meet our team. Just click here to see the friendly face at the other end of the phone!