Property What happens if I have a Property Claim? What to do in the event of a Property Claim A property loss usually involves an incident that occurs on…Pearson InsuranceSeptember 13, 2016
Property Why does the Insurance Company Have My Home Valued so High? I could never sell my home for that much! That is one of the most common statements we hear at…Pearson InsuranceJune 16, 2016
Miscellaneous Useful Tips for Gardening that won't Leave you in Pain Stretching Before You Garden Along with the beautiful flowers and vegetables your garden produces, it is also good exercise! We…Pearson InsuranceMay 11, 2016
Miscellaneous 5 Things you Should Know about Dog Bites Are Dog Bites on rise? Is it just me or are we seeing more reports in the media these days…Pearson InsuranceApril 19, 2016
Driving Tips How Motorcycle Safety is Making the World a Better Place Motorcycle Safety Tips Spring is here! Those who ride motorcycles always anticipate those beautiful, bright warm sunny days to get…Pearson InsuranceApril 6, 2016
Property Wait, I have to Waterproof Inside Too… Most people only think of Water Damage coming from outside the home. At this time of year, a lot of…Pearson InsuranceFebruary 24, 2016
Seasonal Tips The Simplest Ways To Make the Best of Spring Cleaning It's Time for Spring Cleaning!! We have all heard it. Shubenacadie Sam did not see his shadow. We are in…Pearson InsuranceFebruary 5, 2016
Miscellaneous Secrets About Clean Windows Outside look Foggy? Check your windows! As much as we may hate it, a common ritual for homeowners in the…Pearson InsuranceFebruary 3, 2016
Driving Tips When Road Rage Sends you Running for Cover Skip the Rage - for Your Own Safety We have all had a car that has tailgated us, someone who…Pearson InsuranceJanuary 28, 2016
Seasonal Tips Why Mom Was Right About Christmas Lights Christmas Light Safety You know the Christmas season is here when the houses start to glow and the inflatable Santa…Pearson InsuranceDecember 24, 2015